Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet

Developing a new public website with a new brand, strategies and documentation, education and support, and internal projects at the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

“Making a new website won’t take long,” I thought to myself and did a file count on the old system to get a scope of how much existing material that needed to be converted to a new.
25 000
I stared at the number for a good five minutes before leaning back in my chair.
This would take years.

Together with a couple of design companies, we launched a new brand profile for the museum, and decided to make a complete new website. The old site consisted of about 25 000 hand-written HTML files, so my first task would be to come up with a content strategy. I then investigated many different content management systems to find one that both fit our content and also produced well-behaved HTML code. Besides being the sole developer of the website, I also educated scientists and professors in how to use the CMS so they could maintain the research sections themselves. My goal actually became to create an organisation that would render myself useless.

When the site launched it was one of the few CMS driven sites that scored 100% on HTML validators, and was voted several times as the best museum website, and a bunch of other nice appointments.

I also worked with the new museum brand in general, designing and creating newsletters, banners, a lot of internal projects as well as maintaining an intranet, implementing and running visitor statistics, and supporting PC and Mac users around the museum.